Popular Services

Do you need assistance with a computer issue?

Report an issue with an enterprise software application (e.g. PeopleSoft, ImageNow or Salesforce)

Use this form to securely provide the Office of Human Resource at The University of Baltimore.

Are you experiencing issues with Workday?

Need OTS to help with improving an enterprise software/technology or business process?
Or have a question about an enterprise software function or process?

All purchases of IT related hardware, software, and services must be reviewed by the Office of Technology Services (OTS) prior to purchase. Use this form to request an OTS review of products and services that you are considering or intend to purchase.

OTS reviews procurements for compatibility with both USM and institutional Information Technology security and architecture policies and standards. All procurements must also be reviewed by the Office of Procurement. Please contact them directly if you have not already engaged them in your process.

We inspire solutions and creative approaches to institutional challenges through data collection, research and analysis.

Supervisors will use this form to request technology items for an incoming employee.

Technology loans are available for students to assist with online educations. Loans to students are granted by semester on a first come first serve bases.

Problems with Zoom or Panopto Software

Need help with creating or modifying a report or query?

Use this form to request assistance for media and classroom needs.

Request consultation and other services from CELTT. We will reach out to you within 72 hours to discuss your needs, and we look forward to working with you.

Have questions about Workday?

Do you have questions or issues with your student account?

Select this service for larger efforts requiring more than 100 hours from OTS resources or involves multiple groups at UB that requires coordination.

Request a physical hardware token to perform multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Having issues related to Media, Lab, Teaching Lab, or Classroom issues on campus?

Request new departments, data changes and department reorganization.

Do you have questions or issues with your student account?
To safeguard your personal information, please do not type personal identifiable information in the form.

Request for Access to Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Under the Maryland Privacy Act for Higher Education

Use this form to request timesheet approval and review permissions for managers and other employees. Please see the following list of regular and contractual workgroups for reference when filling out the request: http://www.ubalt.edu/about-ub/offices-and-servi...