Media, Lab & Classroom Issues

Office of Technology Services (OTS) has set up this form for users to input requests and report any problems they have related to media, computer labs, teaching labs, or classrooms, which are supported by the OTS. If you are experiencing an issue while in space and need an immediate reply, call 410-837-6262 (option3).

If you need to request services or have any problems which need to be addressed within 24 hours, then fill in the form, and a person will contact you within 24 hours during business hours. Below is a list of items you can report under the categories in the form.

  • Media: The types of services that should be reported under media are: converting video files, editing videos, duplication of videos files, and issues related to whiteboard tablets.
  • Labs:  The categories for reporting lab issues can consist of paper out, staples out, toner is out, the printer is jammed or malfunctioning in a public computer lab space.
  • Teaching Labs: These types of spaces are both classroom/lab spaces, which have not only computers for students to use but also a full functional instructor station for teaching in the area. Examples of these spaces are Business Center 015 or Angelos Law Center 910.  The following issues should be reported under the teaching lab form:
  • Classrooms: Use this category to report issues related to any classroom space as well as auditorium space on campus. Examples of problems to communicate using this form would be projector is not working, PC not displaying, DVD is not playing, and no audio or low audio in the space.
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