Web Conferencing Help

OTS Media Labs and Classrooms have set up the following form for users to report any issues they are experiencing with either Zoom or Panopto.

Zoom is a program that allows users to make video chat, instant messaging, and voice calls from computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Zoom is available for computers running Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux distributions—as well as Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Windows Phone smartphones and tablets.

            More information on Zoom can be found at http://www.ubalt.edu/Zoom.

Panopto is a  Course Capture, and you can capture the video and audio feed of a lecture or presentation and package it with a single or with multiple visual aids, including slideshows, screen captures, or document camera images. The packaged presentations are made available to your audience on the web, allowing them to watch the presentations live or on-demand.

Panopto can be used for sharing lectures as study aids or for when students cannot attend a class. Instructors may also use Panopto to capture student presentations for evaluation. Also, Panopto is used to host all Zoom video files which are used for courses. More information can be found here, http://www.ubalt.edu/Panopto.

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