EverFi/Title IX Training Help


Support resources for end user and admin questions.


Student/Employee (Trainee) Help

  • Logon Issues
    • EverFi uses UB SSO. If receiving incorrect username or password message, refer to OTS Call Center or Password Reset page.
    • If receiving error message that it's not available, they have not yet been loaded into EverFi:
      • Incoming students get access appoximately 24 hours after they are admitted. Students still not in EverFi after expected wait, refer to the Office of Student Support.
      • New employees are sent to EverFi weekly. If they are missing in EverFi after that timeframe, refer to HR.
  • Doesn't have assignment (user can logon but doesn't have the expected assignment)
    • Students receive their required Title IX/Sexual Assault Prevention assignment the night after their EverFi account is created. If they have been able to logon EverFi for more than a day but don't have an assignment, please refer them to the Office of Student Support.
    • Students who want the optional training courses can submit a request here.
    • Any employee expecting to have an active Title IX assignment should contact HR.
  • Student has Title IX hold but believes they completed the training
    • Title IX registration holds are removed from a student's account within 4 hours after they complete their assignment.
    • Refer to the Office of Student Support who will logon EverFi to check the student's training status.
  • Employee believes the Title IX training assignment is erroneous
    • Refer to HR.
  • Trouble launching or progressing in the training


UB EverFi Admin Contacts

  • EverFi Contract Owner: Anita Harewood, Office of Government and Public Affairs
  • Support cases can be opened with EverFi through the dashboard help menu.
  • API/Web Services changes should be submitted to OTS.



Article ID: 93233
Fri 11/22/19 5:31 PM
Fri 1/24/20 2:23 PM