Faculty - Communicate


A variety of tools can help you make connections, communicate easily, and stay in touch with UB events.

Video conferencing is a great option for virtual meetings, including holding office hours for students. Learn more here about UB video conferencing options.

Email Distribution Lists allow you to quickly address emails to a group of people. Available types of lists are:

  • class distribution lists updated nightly with the active roster
  • listservs with subscription options for internal and external recipient.
  • global distribution lists for use when working with a project team or other unique group of UB recipients

Learn more at http://www.ubalt.edu/lists.


UB Communication tools include the Daily Digest, Calendar, and Portal Announcements.

  • Daily Digest: As a faculty member you will receive a daily email highlighting university events and opportunities. You can add announcements and events to the Daily Digest through the MyUB Portal.
  • The Calendar is another way to see and RSVP to upcoming events. You can also announce an event or speaker and create an RSVP.
  • Announcements: Portal has an announcements section with information specific to your role at UB -- either through Human Resources or specific messages from your department.



Article ID: 89282
Mon 10/14/19 1:53 PM