Logging Project Issues


This article provides instructions on how to log/enter a new issue for a project.


To log (create) an issue for a project, you can use on of the following methods:

From the Client Portal (Only option for staff/faculty with Client access)

  1. If you are not already in TeamDynamix, go to https://ubalt.teamdynamix.com/TDClient

    Note: You may be required to sign in if you are not already logged into the UB portal.

  2. Select Projects

  3. Click the link for the applicable project.
  4. Under the project title, click the Issues link.

  5. Click New.

  6. Enter a Title for the issue. This is a brief description of the issue.
  7. Select a Category. Categories are specific to a project and may vary from project to project based on reporting needs. If you are unsure which category to use, ask the project manager.
  8. Select a priority.
  9. Complete the Description field, providing all relevant details. 
  10. If applicable, use the Attachment option to include any files. 
  11. Click Save.

From the Projects Application

  1. Logon TeamDynamix from the portal or through this link
  2. Select the Projects application If you do not see Projects on your menu bar, select the Applications tab and select the Projects tile. 
  3. Select the applicable project on the left menu

    Note: If you do not see the project you are looking for, please contact the project manager to have them add you as a resource.)

  4. Select Issues
  5. Select New Issue
  6. Enter a Title for the issue. This is a brief description of the issue.
  7. Select a Category. Categories are specific to a project and may vary from project to project based on reporting needs. If you are unsure which category to use, ask the project manager.
  8. Select a priority.
  9. Complete the Description field, providing all relevant details. 
  10. If applicable, use the Attachment option to include any files. 
  11. Click Save.

From the My Work Application

  1. Select the My Work application

  2. Select New Issue
  3. Select the appropriate Project/Workspace
  4. Enter a Title for the issue. This is a brief description of the issue.
  5. Select a Category. Categories are specific to a project and may vary from project to project based on reporting needs. If you are unsure which category to use, ask the project manager.
  6. Select a priority.
  7. Complete the Description field, providing all relevant details. 
  8. If applicable, use the Attachment option to include any files. 
  9. Click Save.



Article ID: 3084
Thu 1/8/15 2:44 PM
Fri 3/11/16 11:39 AM